Appendix 1.01.1 Carillion – a pivotal event
Appendix 1.01.2 Relative Experience of Authors
Appendix 1.02.1 Structure of the British Accountancy and Auditing Profession
Appendix 1.05.1 Possible recommendations by the Kingman Review
Appendix 1.06.1 Blockchain accounting
Appendix 1.06.2 Cryptocurrencies
Appendix 1.07.1 Summary of criticisms of the Big Four and audit market
Appendix 1.07.2 Big Four – scope of their global network
Appendix 1.08.1 The Big Four defence
Appendix 1.08.2 Big Four Segmentation
Appendix 1.08.3 UK banks and Insufficient Numbers problem
Appendix 1.09.1 Big Four banning consultancy for audit clients
Appendix 1.09.2 Expansion of the scope of audit for the public interest
Appendix 1.10.1 Does the conflict waiver solve the insufficient numbers issue